Wednesday, February 13, 2008

*cynical thoughts about tomorrow*

You know, tomorrow would be the absolute perfect time for me to get as drunk as possible, and just sit alone in my room.

Might even lock the door just so my roommate doesn't come in and ruin my drunken reflection on why I'm an idiot when it comes to love.

Lucky for him, I won't have time to actually find anything worth drinking tomorrow. American Novel is really killing my free time. I can't even risk eating outside of my room, just because reading takes up all my time.

Meanwhile, I don't have much time tomorrow, because of all my classes. At least I don't have to do much homework, seeing as I already did the work for Poetry when class was cancelled, and there's no homework for Drama.

Wait, shit, a response to Pygmalion. Might have to read that or something. I don't know.

This is annoying. I really just want to go straight to the long weekend. Extra-long, actually. Friday off, and Monday off, and I'm actually in a weekend that's as long as my normal school week.

Meanwhile, I just want to write something down right now.

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