Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two Things

You may have noticed an entry that's gone missing from my archive. This is because I told my mother about this blog. Mostly so my parents would know about this marked improvement in responsibility over my writing career.

You may draw what conclusions you wish over the fact that starting a writing blog is somehow a massive improvement.

The other thing is that I've found myself, today, listening to The Fratellis' song Flathead, and Curtis Mayfield's Pusherman. I recently bought them both from itunes, and haven't gotten them onto my ipod. Generally, when that happens, I'll listen to the songs in my "recently purchased" playlist repeatedly when I don't feel like listening to my ipod.

I only have those two songs in that playlist right now. I've had them on a continuous loop since the beginning of the day.

Odd thing is, I'm not tired of the songs, just embarrassed that I've been listening to these two and only these two for that long.

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