Friday, April 20, 2007

Did you know that...

I've been told by multiple people that ringing in the ears is supposed to mean that someone is thinking about you. It's been clarified for me that the left ear means that the person is thinking negative thoughts, and the right ear means positive thoughts.

Odd thing is, I've been experiencing a constant, soft ringing in my left ear for a couple of days, normally starting at noon. And a few minutes ago, I got a very sharp, momentary ringing in my right ear.

I say this because it suggests some odd things. One person can't seem to stop thinking about how much they dislike me. And another could very well have just achieved orgasm while thinking of me.

I don't really understand why either one would happen, only that I'd rather believe that my ears are telepathically receiving vague signals of the emotions of others toward myself, than that I should probably go to a doctor and get my ears checked out.

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