Saturday, March 1, 2008

I managed to remember my password

Is it strange that I manged to do that while so drunk that a bad pun is hilarious to me? Seriously, I couldn't remember that that last sentence needed to be ended with a question mark.

I also seem to be just sober enough that I can remember how to spell words properly.

But only just.

Seriously, I finished off a carton of sake before nine, and I probably shouldn't have. Except I'm actually feeling very happy right now, even though I'm not talking to anybody but my blog, and anybody who bothers to read it. Seriously, I am very drunk and if I had anywhere to go, I should not be allowed to drive.

What's impressing me is my restraint. Maybe, yes, I'm being a little bit drunk, and I nearly typed "drink" instead of "drunk" there solely because I lost my balance because I usually (even when sober) sit at my computer while balancing only on the back legs of my chair and this time I nearly lost my balance, but other than that, I'm keeping a surprisingly good track of my spelling on this.

Seriously, I might not even regret this while sober.

Also, could anybody help me with something? I've been writing a novel, the kind of thing that's been sitting inside of me, not just a writing project, but a real big deal. I'm involved in the characters. To the point, I'm in the minds of the characters. Which is really awesome, because even the smaller characters are really cool, and I'm really developing them.

The thing is, this is also my current weakness, as I'm stuck on a scene in which a character is unsure of what to do. You see, she's leading a space colony. Her government has a form of the "prime directive" from Star Trek, and you can wikipedia it if you don't know, but anyway, it turns out her son hasn't violated it, but a species that should otherwise be left alone has violated it, by contacting her son. Also, this story is kind of a counterpart of other sci-fi stories, so sort of Darth Maul-type character is looking to take something from that same son.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Basically, there's a complicated political and security situation, and I'm not sure what my character needs to do. I know what she would do, though, which is feel confused until she realized she had to make a decision. She's very level-headed and always in favor of balance, as such and so on. I'm just not quite sure what decision she's going to make. And she's not going to make the wrong one, of trying to make sure the previous status quo (before her son was involved) is maintained, because she's not like that.

Anyway, please comment or respond if you read this if you've got some advice, or anything, and I'd say more, but I'm basically typing in a completely different universe than my brain is in, so I can't really risk saying much more right now.

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