Monday, February 4, 2008

If you want it, come and get it...

I used to use random lines off the top of my head for my subject lines in my livejournal, but later on I started just using whatever line had just been sung in whatever song I happened to be listening to.

I'm in a bit of a video game slump. I can't get my hands on a Wii. They don't have any. Anywhere. And I can't play my gamecube, because, well, I actually haven't been able to use the tv in our suite since my return from vacation. I've snuck in a couple of hours of television, but for the most part, it's entirely been movies and XBox360 since the beginning of the semester.

All I've got is Final Fantasy 12: Revenant Wings. Which is actually a really cool game. It's hard as f*** (I've got google adverts down at the bottom of the page, and they may very well start paying me for them sometime, so I'm using clean language), but it's good. I knew that when I was finding the first chapter to be too hard for me. It's been like that ever since; I end up stuck on a level that's particularly hard for me.

I got a player's guide for it much earlier than I normally do, for this exact purpose. Though, unfortunately, even that manages to get a couple of levels wrong.

Evilly wrong.

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